
The blockchain technologies and their ecosystem are growing at a high pace. Starting from bitcoin, there are now numerous blockchain technologies and applications, with new ones appearing every month.

Although all these innovations reside in cryptographic research and developments, blockchain is firstly a distributed system which has their roots in P2P networking. Many entities contributes to the well functioning of the blockchain with different roles and without any pre-established trust among them. The underlying infrastructure is blindly leveraged by blockchain technologies whereas this arises serious concerns in terms of scalability, quality-of-service, security and fault tolerance. While P2P networks attracted attention of network and service management community, considering specific blockchain constraints and requirements, including those coming from both the consensus mechanism and the applications built on top of it, is mandatory to ensure a proper level of performance and security. Indeed, monitoring and configuring such a distributed system without or with a loosely control is naturally difficult. Even fully understanding and predicting expected performance before a real deployment at large scale is vital from a technical and business operations perspective.

Furthermore, blockchain is also a potential candidate to ease network and service management. Indeed, many services over Internet rely on pre-establish trust among entities which is hard to maintain at large scale and which are thus the sources of many malfunctioning or the targets of attacks. Among them, we can cite the naming services, the distributed cloud management, resource sharing, the PKI management, or even distributed policy management and accountability within a sofwtarized network architecture.

Man2Block 2019 is a dedicated venue for bringing together students, researchers and practitioners from academia and industry who share common interests in the management of the blockchain infrastructure and the use of blockchain in network, system, service operations and management. Theoretical approaches, practical experimentations and papers highlighting future trends and challenges are welcomed.


Important dates and submission:

Paper registration: November 13, 2018
Paper submission: November 20, 2018
Notification to authors: December 20, 2018
Camera ready: January 15, 2019
Workshop date: April 12, 2019

Submission link

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